Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Aurora Project - GDS2 World-build

The Great Designer Search 2 is going to start soon, and I intend to take a crack at it.

I'm going going to go into the details explaining it. You can find the gist of it here.

While I do intend to post ideas and whatnot on the Wiki that they provided, I also feel that it could be a royal pain to filter through thoughts and suggestions if I were to post there. This blog will serve as my quieter soundboard; I will post material related to my world-build for the contest here, and while most of it will eventually transfer to the Wiki, I'd like to have a nice, clear, and unmodified stream of ideas at a blog that I can manage a little easier.

As what the blog title says, I'm calling this the Aurora Project. The reason is based on the code-name I've assigned the block design: Aurora. The basis is pretty straight-forward; a plane in which its inhabitants all harness an essence of the colors of mana within (and sometimes outside of) them. The themes will be based on mechanics and card types that embody what beings can wear as an outer-shell, as well as what they may have kept within.

Lore-wise, the essences of beings on Aurora is tied to the concept of planeswalkers; the inhabitants on Aurora are so in-tune with the different types of mana by nature that they are more often pulled to other planes. This has attracted the attention of some very old and powerful planeswalkers, who study Aurora and its beings to see if they can find a way to understand how the planeswalking spark works. While some planeswalk to Aurora for good intentions (to see the nature of their power, to document it, and to preserve their spark), others come to Aurora with bad intentions (to increase their power, to achieve the power of planeswalkers from before the mending).

This should be a fun world design. I think it offers a lot of design space and interactivity between the various card-types in MTG. Can't wait to start brewing ideas about what the colors will do a little more in-depth!

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